LaKeisha R. Randall, Esq.

Atlanta Native
Has represented hundreds of clients that were injured as a result of the negligence of others and obtained awards from juries far in excess of the offers made by insurance companies prior to trial.
Throughout her career she has been the trusted advisor of 13 judges
Former In-House Trial Lawyer for Fortune 50 Insurance Company
During the course of her career, she has tried over 40 trials
The effects of injuries can be devastating and life altering. As the founding partner of The Randall Firm, LaKeisha aggressively fights on behalf of each and every client to get them the compensation that they deserve.
A former civil litigation defense trial attorney, she has specialized in automobile law, general negligence, medical malpractice, and trucking law on both sides of the aisle.
She has fought for Fortune 50 insurance companies, corporations, hospitals, top physicians, and trucking companies. Her unique background of defending insurance companies and corporations has aptly prepared her to fight for you.
LaKeisha is a member of the State Bar of Georgia and the District of Columbia. She graduated within the top 5% of her class from Georgia State University and earned her Juris Doctor from North Carolina Central University School of Law.
While attending law school, LaKeisha won Best Oral Argument & Best Overall Performance as a member of the Moot Court Board, served on the Executive Board of the Student Bar Association, founded the Pro Bono Council, and fought to exonerate people wrongfully convicted through the criminal justice system by leading her law school's Innocence Project. LaKeisha rounded out her legal studies by studying Pharmaceutical law, Comparative Bioethics, and Biodiversity abroad at Universidad de Costa Rica.
Before going into private practice, Attorney Randall was in-house trial counsel for State Farm and the trusted advisor to the judges of the City of Atlanta.
Attorney Randall regularly teaches CLE's for other lawyers across the country on topics related to litigation, legal writing, wellness, and leadership. She was also selected to author and edit a book entitled Her Story: Lessons in Success From Lawyers Who Live It, a collection of essays written by prominent women litigators from across the United States.
LaKeisha is a native of southwest Atlanta and a formidable leader in the community. She was the inaugural Young Lawyers Division Chair of the Georgia Association of Black Women Attorneys and served three terms on its Executive Board. She's led partnerships with the Atlanta Community Food Bank's Legal Food Frenzy to help those in food deserts, volunteered with the Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation, Gate City Bar Association's Community Law Clinic in southwest Atlanta, and fought against the school to prison pipeline.
Outside of the profession, Attorney Randall enjoys yoga, boxing, and traveling.
State Bar of Georgia
Georgia Court of Appeals
Georgia Supreme Court
United States District Court: Northern District of Georgia
United States District Court: Middle District of Georgia
United States District Court: Southern District of Georgia
The District of Columbia
Top 40 Under 40: The National Black Lawyers (2019)
American Bar Fellow (2019)
Lawyers of Distinction (2019)
American Bar Association: Progress Award (2018)
Who’s Who in Black Atlanta: Atlanta Tribune (2017, 2018 & 2019)
State Bar of Georgia: Star of the Quarter (2016)
Top 40 Under 40: North Carolina Central University (2016)
Top 40 Under 40: The National Black Lawyers (2015)
American Bar Association: 1 of 4 nationally selected as Litigation Fellow (2014-2016)
American Bar Association: 1 of 16 nationally selected as Young Lawyers Division Scholar (2015-2016)
American Bar Association: Section of Litigation Leader
American Association for Justice ("AAJ")
Georgia Trial Lawyers Association ("GTLA")
State Bar of Georgia's Young Lawyers Division: Board of Directors
State Bar of Georgia's Professionalism Committee
State Bar of Georgia Leader Wellness Committee
Lamar Inn of Court
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated
American Bar Association's Section of Litigation
2020 Professional Success Summit Co-Chair​
Pro Bono Task Force
American Bar Association's Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs (2015- 2018, Presidential Appointment)
American Bar Association's Section of Litigation
Minority Trial Lawyers Chair (2016-2018) & Editor (2013-2015)
Section of Litigation: Pretrial Practice & Discovery Programming Co-Chair (2015-2016
American Bar Association: Young Lawyers Division Leader
Young Lawyers Division: National Conference Team, Vice Director (2017-2018)
Young Lawyers Division: Fit2Practice “Wellness Initiative,” Director (2016-2017)
Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Amendments Roadshow, Atlanta Vice Chair (2015)
State Bar of Georgia
Young Lawyers Division, Board of Directors (2017- 2018)
Leadership Academy (Class of 2015)
YLD Northern District Representative (2015-2017)
Georgia Association of Black Women Attorneys
Executive Board, Chair (2015-2017)
Inaugural Chair of the Young Lawyers Division (2014)
Atlanta Bar Association, Litigation Section Member (2015-2016)
Atlanta Volunteer Lawyers Foundation, Pro Bono Attorney, (2012-2017)
Author, Georgia Bar Journal: The Loneliness Crisis (2019)
Author, The YLD Review: Secrets to a Successful Cross Examination (2019)
CLE Faculty, Lamar Inn of Court (2019)
CLE Faculty, State Bar of Georgia’s Attorney Wellness Conference (2019)
Author, The YLD Review: Self-Care Practices (2018)
CLE Faculty, Georgia Association of Black Women Attorneys’ Trial Boot-camp (2018)
CLE Faculty, State Bar of Georgia’s Solo & Small Firm Conference: Lawyer Well-Being (2018)
CLE Faculty, State Bar of Georgia’s Annual Meeting: The Path to Lawyer Well-Being: Practical Recommendations & Yoga for Lawyers (2018)
Panelist, Steve & Marjorie Harvey Foundation: Know Your Rights (2018)
CLE Faculty, American Bar Association: Overcoming Chronic Stress by Improving Attorney Mental Health & Wellness (2018)
Plenary Speaker, American Bar Association Litigation Section’s Leadership Meeting: Mental Health & Wellness (2018)
Panelist, American Bar Association Litigation Women’s Advocate Committee: Mentors vs. Sponsors (2018)
CLE Faculty, Gwinnett Bar Association Criminal Defense Section Spring CLE: Work-life Balance (2018)
Author, The YLD Review: The Wellness Crisis of the Legal Community & Recommendations for Change (2018)
Author, The YLD Review: Millennial Lawyers Need to Change Their Coping Strategies (2017)
Author & Associate Editor, Her Story: Lessons in Success from Lawyers Who Live it, Book (2017)
Panelist, State Bar of Georgia YLD/ John Marshall Law School: Bar & Community Leadership (2017)
Speaker, State Farm’s Atlanta Firm Meeting: Lawyer Wellness (2017)
Speaker, American Bar Association’s YLD Fall Meeting (Denver, CO): Yoga for Lawyers CLE
Panelist, American Bar Association YLD: Pre-trial & Discovery Preparation Webinar (2017)
Panelist, State Bar of Georgia: Lawyering & Bar Leadership (2017)
Panelist, American Bar Association: What do Lawyers Do? (2016)
Panelist, American Bar Association’s YLD Fall Meeting (Detroit, MI): Work-life Balance (2016)
Panelist, American Bar Association: 30 Bar Tips in 30 Minutes (2015)
Panelist, Emory School of Law, Government and Public Sector Careers (2015)
Panelist, Leadership & Life After Law School, North Carolina Central University School of Law, (2015)
Panelist, American Bar Association Law Student Division’s Leadership Summit (2014)
Panelist, Career Tips & War Stories from Recent Law School Graduates, Leadership Institute for Women of Color Attorneys in Business & Law Conference (2014)
CLE Faculty, 2014 Midyear Meeting of the American Bar Association Young Lawyers Division
Lecturer, Constitutional Law Day, Jean Child’s Young Middle School (2013)
Keynote, Lessons from Behind the Bench: Writing & Advocacy Tips from a Judicial Law Clerk, American Bar Association’s Young Advocates (2013)
Traffic Stops Based on Mistake of Law: Constitutional?, ABA Criminal Litigation (November, 2014)
Loaded Guns Allowed in Bars, Schools, and Churches, ABA Minority Trial Lawyer (July, 2014)
Brown v. Board of Education: 60 Years Later, ABA Minority Trial Lawyer (June, 2014)
Warrantless Search of Cell Phones, ABA Minority Trial Lawyer (April, 2014)